- Home - GM Workforce Hub

Description: Welcome to the Greater Manchester (GM) Workforce Hub, made for employers in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector.

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Welcome to the Greater Manchester (GM) Workforce Hub, made for employers in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. We’re all trying to make Greater Manchester a place where people can be healthy, happy, and live fulfilling lives. The way we run our organisations can make a real difference to the VCSE sector staff’s health and wellbeing. The Hub is built by the GM VCSE sector, for the VCSE sector so that we can become:

Local VCSE organisations across Greater Manchester generate over £1.2 billion of income, creating a range of services and activities as diverse as our communities. ¹ In doing so, VCSE organisations create over 75,000 jobs and mobilise nearly 500,000 volunteers. The vast majority of VCSE organisations are neighbourhood based, rooted in local communities and address significant inequalities in the day -to-day of what they do. The strong return on investment provided by the VCSE sector is well evidenced, with

The 2019 VCSE workforce capability report , commissioned by GM Health and Social Care Partnership, found a need for support with:

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