godlikesjewelry.com - God Likes Jewelry

Description: Ten amazing facts about beauty and adornment in the Bible. I was surprised to discover that the Bible says jewelry is a beautiful blessing from the Lord. Christian women can enjoy wearing it in moderation. And believe it or not, God likes jewelry.

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I used to condemn women for wearing jewelry. If a lady came to church with a necklace or earrings, I looked at her cross-eyed and judged her: “She must not be a member of my denomination,” or ”She must be a backslider, or worldly and rebellious.” Unfortunately, I spent most of my life criticizing the ladies in my church. “How dare they wear earrings? How dare they rebel against God?”

By God’s grace, I recently stumbled upon some Bible verses that shocked me. When I first ran across them, I thought it must be a misprint because they actually say jewelry is good! In fact, they show that God likes jewelry. I couldn’t believe it. It was so opposite from what I had been taught.

Then I searched the whole Bible and collected every verse that mentions any form of jewelry—over 100 pages of Bible texts. I was amazed to find that jewelry is a good thing—a beautiful blessing given by God. The holy, saintly women of the Bible enjoyed it. Christian women can enjoy it today. Here is a summary of a few representative texts that show what the Bible really says about beauty and adornment.