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Hello, my intended…

Tonight we’re allegedly having a Raw Reunion, where a bunch of the old fossils still under ‘Legends Contracts’ have to come out and tell us what a swell fellow Vince McMahon is, and how grateful they are that he let them make him millions of dollars. Kind of like those Pride Parades from last month, except without the pride. So, hell, yeah, I’m gonna be here for it. The arthritis is keeping me from regularly pounding out these three-hour tours, I admit; but since they’re reportedly bringing in Ted DiBiase t

As you’ve probably already heard, Vince is getting tired of taking the heat for all his utterly stupid decisions since, well, since taking over the place from his father, really. Let’s call a spade a spade. I’ve been watching since before Hulk Hogan got there and it’s been a box of dripping dicks for DECADES with only brief bursts of entertainment that happened largely by accident. Letting the wrestlers talk and get themselves over? Nope, can’t have that, they might start thinking they deserve more money! S