godsbigtoepoker.com - God's Big Toe Poker – Bringing personalized poker coaching to the masses in the most affordable way!

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Personalized Coaching with access to our video library, weekly study groups, 24/7 access to coaches via Skype, forums, live webinars and more!

You will not be able to find a better deal for poker coaching anywhere! While most training sites offer either a video subscription or access to coaches at an expensive hourly rate, we take a much different approach. Plus we offer incentives for bringing on new members to the team.

Team Toe is not just a training site but it is a community of like-minded individuals! We are looking for players that want to take their game to the next level and are not afraid of doing the hard work. If you are interested in bettering your poker skills , increasing your ROI and building lasting relationships with other people just like you then Team Toe is the place!

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