godshock.com - GOD SHOCK - a novel by Stefan Rochfort

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Example domain paragraphs

"Wake up man, you just slept through Armageddon," she said, roughly shaking the deadweight Saladin by the shoulders. He came awake with the bleary eyed reluctance of a teenage boy being torn from a wet dream into a hangover.

The coroner surveyed the charred collection of bones and pronounced it, with astounding professional accuracy, dead. What the coroner failed to ascertain with accuracy was the true cause of death. On the file it all looked very convincing "Death by incineration", but in fact the onus for Rutherford's death lay with a man whose cranium he had recently sawn into.

Athena is an info-merc. She gets paid to sift. Intelligent software crafted in her fibre-optic nest, her sift engines and AI spiders have gained her a healthy profit. A client has just made the mistake of paying her too well for a score. Curiosity overtakes caution and drops her hard into an adventure that stretches from the madness within, to the drug-induced climax of the human species.

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