gofasterstripe.com - Go Faster Stripe

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We make and sell recordings of comedians that are tragically overlooked by the mainstream.

The shows are cheap - mostly £5 for a download or £12 for a proper old school DVD. They come in the sort of cardboard wallets you used to get with free DVDs from newspapers. That's the kind of forward thinking that keeps the price down and our profits up. There's lots of other stuff too, like books, CDs, some records and one Top Trumps style game. If this is your first time here, you could do worse than checking out our  CLUB  . It's a great way to see what we are about and to support us. It's pretty cheap

Each week we are offering a selection of DVDs for very little money.   Click here to see this week's offers GFS Catalogue We've been around since 2006 and have collected quite a bunch of stuff over that time. You can see what we've got by clicking here.

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