goggleboxtech.co.uk - GoggleboxTech.UK

Description: GoggleboxTech, the Future of Entertainment

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Whether you are streaming on Netflix or YouTube or just watching catch-up, these days the Internet is becoming as significant a means of distribution as the traditional forms of broadcasting. The boundaries between TV and IT are becoming blurred as the new is integrated with the old.

That is why GoggleboxTech pays as much attention to your Internet and Wi-Fi as it does to your aerials and satellite dishes. With over 17 years recent experience in the IT industry and CAI (Confederation of Aerial Industries) training (City & Guilds accredited), we have a unique combination of qualifications to see you into the world of digital TV that is developing.

We are also experienced in assisting the elderly and those with special needs to get more enjoyment from their viewing and computing. We won’t baffle you with science but show you how simple adaptations can help with poor or no vision, hearing loss and other problems. And our simple instruction sheets will carry on helping after we have gone.