- Gold Rush!

Description: Gold Rush! entfuehrt dich in die Goldgraeberzeit, ins Jahr 1848. Erlebe mit Jerrod eine der spannendsten Zeiten der amerikanischen Geschichte!

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Sunlight Games will soon launch the retro label "RetroTainment", under which old and new games for systems from the 1980s and 1990s will be released in classic boxes. It starts with the Special Edition of Gold Rush! for classic Amiga computers. The Special Edition will be released at the Amiga34 in Neuss (Germany) and can also be pre-ordered in the RetroTainment shop .

Sunlight Games has released the iOS 11-update for Gold Rush! Anniversary. With this update the adventure runs without problems on the new iOS 11-version. The minimum firmware versions is 7.

Sunlight Games has released some outtakes of the development of Gold Rush! Anniversary. They seemed to be lost but were found again and are released now. Gold Rush! Anniversary was released about three years ago and was the remake of the classic game from the 1980s of Sierra. Here you find the outtakes on YouTube!

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