- Goldstream Husky: Premier Husky Tours - Dog Sled Tours Alaska

Description: Hundeschlittentouren, Schnneschuwanderungen und Nordlichter. Einzigartige, unvergessliche Erlebnisse in der unberührten, arktischen Wildernis Alaska.

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Are you ready for an unique and unforgettable arctic experience in Alaskas mesmerizing nature and wilderness away from the crowds and busy life?

Our prime, small group intimate Alaskan dog mushing adventure out of Fairbanks will take you into the real Alaskan dog sledding world.

We will teach you everything you need to know to become a real dog musher. Come meet our friendly world class tour and race dogs, play with the puppies, and experience the authentic dog mushing culture. As well as learning the passion of training and selecting race dogs for the big open class sprint races.