Description: Become super efficient with GoodMeeting! Plan all your meetings, tasks, topics, decisions... all in one. Always stay up-to-date. Never forget important topics. Execute a meeting from A-Z and participate in your co-workers’ meetings with GoodMeeting.
meeting (1552) efficiency (732) tasks (270) topics (142) decisions (123) webgate (6)
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Become super efficient with GoodMeeting! Plan all your meetings, tasks, topics, decisions... all in one. Always stay up-to-date. Never forget important topics. Execute a meeting from A-Z and participate in your co-workers’ meetings with GoodMeeting.
About GoodMeeting GoodMeeting is a meeting tool developed by WebGate. The application is suitable for all companies and organizations that hold meetings. If you have meetings on a regular basis and encounter the problem that little or nothing is documented, then GoodMeeting is the perfect solution for this.