- R.J. Halbert

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As the Littleton locals mutter ominously about the newcomers “up at Farr Hill”, the Keanes and their teenage children, Ariel and Zach, embark on a chapter of their lives that will shake and test the very limits of their realities. Where did these hidden rooms come from, and where have they gone? Where does the door in the woods lead? And why is Lyana acting so strangely ? One by one the Keane family realise that dark forces - or something stronger - are afoot. And when Zach and Ariel stumble upon a tiny cot

Ian discovers a secret room which triggers his appalling childhood memories, Ariel and Zach share the same horrific dream, and Lyana’s sanity seems to ebb away, sucked into the very walls of the house itself. Be it cursed ancient mythology, dark magic, or just chilling coincidence, the Keane family are forced to rely on Marshall the caretaker for help, but is he really as kind and cooperative as he seems? Marshall gradually seems to become so much more than just a Caretaker, as he helps them uncover and des

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