- Good Things Everywhere

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I’ve bartered with non-profits, community projects, sustainable businesses or eco-villages and if they could cover my travel expenses and provide accommodation, I would be on my way. These days you can hire me, bartering doesn’t pay the bills. You should read more about me , look at my  travel journal , check out my portfolio or explore the world .

Update (2017):  I’m currently working as CTO for  NuMundo  and am not accepting any barter offers. If you’re looking for work-trades or volunteers for your sustainable project or ecovillage, make sure to list it on our  platform . 

My travel project “Good Things Everywhere” was the single most enriching life event I can remember, a real game changer… 2 years of non-stop travel, experiences, people, countries, languages, interesting work and challenging situations. I say ‘was’, because now it changed into something else, the…

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