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Description: 米酷易支付是一个和彩虹易支付一样的免签约28预测支付产品,可以助你一站式解决网站签约各种支付接口的难题,现拥有支付宝、财付通、QQ钱包、微信支付等免签约支付功能,并有开发文档...

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If your credit card statement directed you to visit this web site, then your credit card was used to purchase a subscription to a membership based web site. The "descriptor" or "merchant name" on your credit card statement is not the same as the name of the web site that you joined. The best way to identify exactly what membership the charge on your statement was for is to call us and speak with a representative.

If you have made it to this website, then you should have no reason to charge back a transaction. We are here to assist you, whether you have decided you are unhappy with the product or have concerns over charges on your card.

If you feel that you no longer wish to remain a member, have concerns about charges, or any other inquiry, please don't hesitate to either write an email or pick up the phone now and get the service you deserve. Charging back a transaction takes time, and our service is available to you at no charge, no hassle, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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