gourmetgigs.com - Gourmet gigs - mostly about music

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Ahh fes­ti­val sea­son! It’s not long now and we can’t wait. Here’s our fes­ti­val cal­en­dar for the sum­mer. All of those fea­tured still have lim­it­ed tick­ets avail­able. Peo­ple may be being a bit care­ful due the cost of liv­ing cri­sis but sales are nonethe­less healthy, so if there’s a fes­ti­val you’ve got your eye on,…

Beard­ed The­o­ry 2023 – first pho­tos of the sun­ny fes­ti­val from open­ing acts on Thurs­day evening through to Fri­day after­noon. From Heart­worms on the Wood­land Stage to Fri­day’s per­for­mance from Beth Orton. Heart­worms, The Orielles, Pan­ic Shack, Girl­band, The Go! Team, The Bug Club, Beth Orton.  More pho­tos to come. Beard­ed Theory 

The fes­ti­val has today announced a pro­gramme of per­for­mances, pan­els and talks set to enthral Dr Who fans, apt­ly tak­ing place at Cheshire’s Jodrell Bank Obser­va­to­ry. Jodrell Bank Obser­va­to­ry is renowned in Whov­ian lore hav­ing pro­vid­ed the back­drop to the fourth Doctor’s tran­si­tion to the fifth (when Tom Bak­er hand­ed the role over to Peter Davi­son in 1982)…