- GPP Resources Berhad

Description: GPP Resources Berhad (GPP) is a leading renewable energy player. We are listed on the LEAP Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and trading as MYX: 3029.

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Example domain paragraphs

GPP Resources Berhad (GPP) is an established biomass renewable energy solution provider. We are listed on the LEAP Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad  (stock code : MYX 3029). Our renewable energy business specialise in using alternative energy resources like syngas and biogas to generate renewable energy. Our manufacturing business involves manufacturing of OPT (Oil Palm Trunk) plywood to local and overseas markets.

Energising a sustainable world through the conversion of waste to resources

(吉隆坡8日讯) 复丽资源(GPP Resource Berhad) 计划在9月上市大马交易所“企业家创业加速器平台”(Leap市场),筹集437万令吉。

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