- 半岛体育在线(中国)有限公司官网

Description: 半岛体育在线(中国)有限公司官网创始于1993年2月,【大G推荐】公司注册资本400万,集团拥有固定资金119亿。公司拥有目前国际上最为先进的表面处理技术,自主研发了涉及前处理、送风固化、燃烧、输送等环节的一系列产品,并自主建设了电泳涂装线、粉末涂装线、液体涂装线及溶剂回收一体化流水线。

半岛体育在线(中国)有限公司官网 (17)

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The portfolio site of Grace S. Lee.

Senior Product Designer on 4+ respiratory health products across web and mobile variations. I deliver on features and build design strategies for the product roadmap as well as create and implement design processes that upgrade clarity and efficiency specialized for a startup design team.

As the primary mobile designer, I strategized and designed experiences to aid people with varying levels of health in their daily lives.

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