- GRASS-C | Get certified, cultivate responsibly.

Description: Growing Responsible and Socially Sustainable Cannabis. GRASS-C is a tiered market-incentive certification program for environmentally responsible cannabis production in California.

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Growing Responsible and Socially Sustainable Cannabis (GRASS-C)

GRASS-C stands for  Growing Responsible and Socially Sustainable Cannabis.  GRASS-C is a tiered market-incentive certification program for environmentally responsible cannabis production in California. Cannabis growers together with Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) are taking the lead. GRASS-C is spearheaded by Upper Salinas Las Tablas , Coastal San Luis , Trinity ,  Cachuma , and Mendocino RCDs .

GRASS-C recognizes the high bar of land stewardship requirements woven into regulatory requirements. GRASS-C is in alignment with those regulations, and it raises the bar for stewardship and social sustainability a little further. It is useful as a self-assessment tool, and takes on more value when a grower decides to get certified by a Resource Conservation District.