Description: Tourist Information Portal for Grazalema and the Sierra de Grazalema, The town of Ronda and the Caminito del Rey.
Example domain paragraphs
English : Hornet Scientific : Vespa crabro Spanish : Avispón / Avispa Europea Catalan : Vespa xana Portuguese : Vespa grande
This article, Hornets – The Gentle Giants of the Wasp World, is about the native hornet to Spain Vespa crabra . Read about the invasive species of hornets in Spain over at Wildside Holidays:
The workers are 18 to 25mm in size while the rarely seen queen is huge at 35 mm long. These impressive insects are striped in a similar warning pattern to a wasp, termed “aposematic,” which is intended to put off insectivorous animals. The upper head, antennae, wings and legs are a rufous brown. The thorax is the same brown with black markings while the abdomen is more wasp like.
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