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Description: In recent years sea kayaking has grown in popularity, although many people are unaware of the long history that is associated with it. 4,000 years ago people

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In recent years sea kayaking has grown in popularity, although many people are unaware of the long history that is associated with it. 4,000 years ago people in the Arctic were using the qajaq for hunting and fishing. Their boats were extremely buoyant, made of seal skin and easy to self-right, even if turned completely over.

Rolling the qajaq was an essential self-rescue skill that was learned and was used in case of a capsize. Various rolls were developed to handle any and all situations that might arise, from being entangled in fishing lines, to losing a paddle and needing to roll using hunting equipment or using only hands or elbows to right oneself.

As the world changed, the qajaq wasn’t being used as much for survival, and there developed a concern that the history and culture associated with the sport could be lost. This is why, in 1984, the Greenlanders started kayaking clubs in several regions in Greenland. Competitions are held yearly and include races, harpoon throwing, rolling and rope gymnastics. The purpose of these competitions is to keep tradition alive, and to teach the skills that the Greenlanders relied on for so many years.

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