- Green Power Global | Advancing Decarbonisation Through Events, Research, and Networking

Description: Expertly run conferences, training courses, webinars and other events around the world, connecting our network of global experts and providing the collaborative platform to transform climate action into lucrative business opportunities.

events (23867) biogas (519) biofuel (138) waste to energy (91) renewable energy conference (7) renewable energy investment (7) renewable energy finance (4) renewable energy finance forum (2) waste-2-energy (2)

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We are very proud of our 18 years of efforts to accelerate renewables and sustainable business practices and the small part we have played in the maturing of this incredible industry. However, as it seems that we are almost daily witnesses to a gathering climate emergency, there is still clearly much to do and an ever narrowing timeframe. At Green Power Global, we are optimistic that we can minimise future climate impacts by accelerating an economically efficient decarbonisation of the power generation, hea

Tap into high quality, expertly curated content from thought leaders around the world.

Participate in stimulating, presentation discussions and case studies from expert speakers.

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