- Yuan Wang | UWaterloo

Example domain paragraphs

convert -density 200 doc.pdf -quality 100 image.pdf 👆 Back to top 👆 Bookmarking, the UNIX way This one is inspired (once again) by the undeepfaked mental outlaw . See the original youtube vid here . The written-on-the-fly, proof-of-concept demo script looks something like the following:

The script will start to come short when the bookmarks pile up. Searching for sites in dmenu (or whatever fuzzy finder you are using) won’t be easy when you only have URLs. It would be great if site titles (string inside the <title> html tag) are prepended.

Clearly, I was naive to be looking for a couple of lines of bash to pull site titles, if not some glorious one-liners. In reality, lines add up pretty quickly due to: