- Herb growing Ireland – Gretas Herbs Annascaul, Dingle, Co Kerry – Potted herbs – Gardening Classes

Description: Potted herbs - Gardening Classes

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Mustard Greens, Wild Rocket, Salad Rocket, Celery leaf, Sorrel, Salad burnet, Nasturtium, Mizuna, Calendula, Bunching onion.

St John’s Wort, Lavenders, Chamomile Roman & Double, Comfrey, Ox eye daisy, Achillea ‘Cloth of Gold, Achilea Yarrow, Aquilegias, Feverfew common & Gold, Santolina (cotton lavender) Curry plant(silver leaf) Lupin, Teasel, Agastache, Evening Primrose, Inula helenium, Cardoon, Cowslip.

Small – Medium 9cm- 13cm pot €2.20 – 2.95

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