- Gretchen Woelfle - HOT OFF THE PRESS!

Description: Gretchen Woelfle's official website, children's author and speaker.

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icon caret-right instagram pinterest linkedin facebook twitter goodreads question-circle facebook circle twitter circle linkedin circle instagram circle goodreads circle pinterest circle MY BOOKS Selected Works Answering the Cry for Freedom: Stories of African Americans and the American Revolution Biographies of thirteen men and women who heard the talk of freedom--and took action. Mumbet's Declaration of Independence A Revolutionary woman who made history! Write On, Mercy! The Secret Life of Mercy Otis War


Jeannette Rankin was a take-charge girl. Whether caring for horses or her little brother and sisters, she knew what to do and got the job done. When she saw children living in poor conditions, she went to work to change that.   But for women to really change things they needed to vote. In Jeannette's time, that was illegal! So she spent years giving speeches and organizing women to convince men that women should have the right to vote. When her home state, Montana, granted women that right, Jeannette ran fo