Description: In the future, the planet lies in ruins and humanity lives under the sea. Here, a washed up lawman comes face to face with his inner demons and the evil that followed us from the surface down into the deep.
book (8149) science-fiction (2174) novel (1818) mystery (1276) crime (1139) dystopian (88) post-apocalypse (20)
Welcome to the website for the GRIM DEEP novel project. This is the attempt by unpublished author F. Aleksandar to write a crime novel set in a dystopian future. On this website you can read parts of the novel as they are being written, explore the world the story is set in and get updates on the writing and publishing process of the novel. → Blog RSS Feed
Over the last few months, I’ve painted a portrait of my main character, Joe Faulkner. It is now finished. You can, of course, imagine Joe in any way you like, but I hope this portrait helps to bring across what I imagine him to look like, as some readers might be interested in that.
Look, it’s already 2023! I think it’s about time I update you on my progress with the project. In the last few months, I’ve been very busy with my work as a freelance journalist and also in hosting and organising events and online trainings. Because of this, my work on the novel hasn’t progressed as much as I would have wished.