- Biomolecular Simulation - The GROMOS Software

Description: Biomolecular Simulation - GROMOS software

md (3228) sd (797) eds (125) molecular dynamics (33) gromos (2) biomolecular simulation (2)

Example domain paragraphs

GROMOS™ is an acronym of the GROningen MOlecular Simulation computer program package, which has been developed since 1978 for the dynamic modelling of (bio)molecules, until 1990 at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and since then at the ETH, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Zürich, Switzerland. Its development was driven by the research group of Wilfred van Gunsteren. Currently, the development is shared between him and the research groups of Philippe Hünenberger and Sereina Riniker

Since the last official release of the GROMOS software and manual in 1996, called GROMOS96, no comprehensive release occurred till 2011. Yet the GROMOS software has seen a steady development since 1996, see e.g. [ 1 ]. The programming language has been changed from FORTRAN to C++, the documentation has been put into electronic form, and many new features have been included in the software.

To the development of the GROMOS software (since 1978) members of the research groups of Wilfred van Gunsteren (Groningen, Zürich), Philippe Hünenberger (Zürich), Chris Oostenbrink (Vienna), Niels Hansen (Stuttgart) and Sereina Riniker (Zürich) have contributed.

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