- GrooveJar - Your Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tool

Description: Turn more visitors into customers with GrooveJar, increase your Conversion Rate by generating Leads and Converting then into customers.

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Pop-ups that don't get X'd out, but help entrepreneurs collect more emails for their e-commerce business. GrooveJar's set of customizable pop-up tools allow website owners to streamline their website and lead flow. 8 different apps, endless ways to use them.

Most websites have a conversion rate of 3% - 97 out of 100 visitors on your website leave and do not make a purchase. With GrooveJar's pop-up apps you'll be able to entice visitors to leave their email before exiting. Then, use our Collect & Convert functionality - a set of triggered emails to get customers to come back and purchase.

Meet our most popular pop-up app: GrooveUrgent . An extremely efficient and customizable pop-up that get over 9% of your website visitors into leads, by capturing their email. There are clients who've received an Email Capture Rate of 20%. With the help of using psychological principle of urgency and lead generation technology - it resulted in one of the Beats Lead Generation Tool on the market!

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