- Turf cutters, sod cutters, turf aerators and cable & trench insertion machines by Groundsman Industries

Description: Groundsman Industries manufacture turf maintenance equipment including machines for turf aeration and turf cutting, including turf aerators, turf cutters, sod cutters and core collectors. Based in the UK we supply to Europe, North America and the rest of the global market.

uk (35406) maintenance (6370) europe (4616) ireland (4033) cutting (1063) turf (741) cutter (436) sod (334) aeration (234) aerator (71)

Example domain paragraphs

Turf Buisness TV Interview with Billy Warke

Groundsman Industries Ltd was established in 1990 specifically to design and manufacture Turf Maintenance Machinery specialising in Turf Cutters , Sod Cutters and Turf Aerators .