- Grow Planet

Description: A game-based blended learning environment for grades 1-6, where pupils get immersed in a motivating context centered around sustainable development.

Example domain paragraphs

Game-based learning, STEM education, sustainable development, environmental science, mathematics, technology, student engagement, learning goals, relevance, understanding, problem-solving, curriculum integration, teacher control, lesson planning, educational activities, central focus, school curriculum, learning management system (LMS), student progress, Schools, interactive learning, motivating context, Swedish curriculum, STEAM learning, STEAM, adapting schools to the demands of the 21st century education

Spelbaserat lärande, STEM-utbildning, hållbar utveckling, miljövetenskap, matematik, teknik, elevernas engagemang, lärandemål, relevans, förståelse, problemlösning, läroplansintegration, lärarkontroll, lektionsplanering, pedagogisk verksamhet, centralt fokus, skolans läroplan, lärande ledningssystem (LMS), elevframsteg, Skolor, interaktivt lärande, motiverande sammanhang, svensk läroplan, STEAM-lärande, STEAM, anpassning av skolor till kraven från 2000-talets utbildning, STEAM-färdigheter, framtida kompeten

Grow Planet is an engaging learning environment. Pupils can relate to the context and the stories which increases motivation and makes STEM subjects easier to learn.