- Grow

Description: Grow: How to Take Your Do It Yourself Project and Passion to the Next Level and Quit Your Job is a practical field guide for creative people with great ideas for independent projects that shows the...

business (48204) creative (14623) handmade (5861) diy (4293) entrepreneur (3155)

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If you decide crowd funding is for you (see me earlier post for Dear Handmade Life about whether you should undertake a crowd funding campaign for your business ) here’s all the steps you need to craft a successful campaign! Read more on Dear Handmade Life “ How to craft a successful crowd funding campaign ”.

If you are considering a crowd funding campaign to raise money for a creative project or your DIY business, read this first! In this piece for Dear Handmade Life I discuss what makes a successful crowdfunding campaign and how to evaluate your idea to see if you are heading towards fundraising success before you launch your campaign. 

The President has proclaimed today a “National Day of Making”  and I thought this was a great opportunity to think about all the activity I’ve seen around making and entrepreneurship as I have shared my book Grow with creatives around the country over the past year.