- GROW du Monde | Hosted by Balaton Wine Region in Hungary

Description: GROW is an acronym composed of the names Graševina, Olaszrizling and Welschriesling. The aim is to promote this excellent variety.

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GROW is an initiative of three wine writers from three different countries, Saša Špiranec (Croatia), Zoltán Győrffy (Hungary) and Igor Luković (Serbia).

The aim of the project is to promote this excellent variety on the international market, connect and share experiences among countries that cultivate it, discover all aspects of the variety and its potential, and ultimately, in a synergistic effort, develop The Variety alongside local tourism.

GROW du Monde is an international wine challenge that will gather wines made from Graševina, Riesling Italico, Grašac Beli, Laški Rizling, Welschriesling, Ryzlink vlašský, Olaszrizling or Riesling Italian - call this great variety as you prefer.

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