- Grunberg & Co. Probate Services Limited - North London

Description: Probate is the process of administering a person’s estate, their property, money and possessions after they’ve died. Grunberg & Co. Probate Services Limited is one of only a limited number of firms in the UK to be authorised to provide probate services by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

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Losing a loved one can be an emotional and stressful time, which is why we always aim to help families deal with their affairs in a friendly, compassionate and efficient manner.

This can be a complex process that requires executors, be they an appointed family member, friend or trusted professional adviser, to file various pieces of information about the deceased’s legal, financial and taxation affairs related to their estate.

We are here to assist executors by providing an efficient service and keeping you informed in the process of applying for probate/letters of administration.

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