- - || Gifford, Thompson&Bright - Firm Profile

Description: The website of Gifford, Thompson and Bright, a law firm which originated in 1991 when Lord Anthony Gifford QC, its senior partner, began his practice as a Jamaican attorney-at-law.

london (14298) lawyer (6998) law (5398) civil (1972) firm (1517) kingston (834) jamaica (745) bright (477) gifford (22) thopmpson (1)

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Lord Anthony Gifford formed a team with Hugh Thompson, the Jamaican criminal defence lawyer, and with Sandra Graham-Bright, who practised as a barrister in England for 15 years before relocating to Jamaica. Mrs. Graham-Bright is in charge of the firm’s law practice in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

The firm has two associate attorneys-at-law. Sheila Tomlin was a solicitor in England for seven years before taking up practice in Kingston, Jamaica, where she now works closely with Lord Anthony Gifford. Hamilton Daley is qualified as a solicitor in England and as an attorney-at-law in Jamaica, and acts as the law firm’s London associate, interfacing with the firm’s clients in the United Kingdom.

The legal practice has established its reputation in many fields of law, of which details are given in the profiles of each attorney-at-law.