- Gudelia Kobelt, Künstlerin aus Domat / Ems macht Köpfe, Malereien und Kunst

Description: Bündner Künstlerin Gudelia Kobelt aus Domat / Ems macht Köpfe, Malereien und Kunst. Sie arbeitet freischaffend, und nimmt stellt mehrmals jährlich aus.

künstlerin (1108) graubünden (525) mensch (335) gesicht (304) objekt (243) druckgrafik (179) kopf (77) freischaffend (28) kobelt (7) gudelia (2)

Example domain paragraphs

* (1962) born in Chur, Switzerland, works and lifes in Domat/Ems, Switzerland. She completed the art class at the Kunstschule Wetzikon Art for 5 years and enjoys traveling abroad for artistic studies. Among other things, she attended the International Summer Academy in Salzburg for five summers, was at the International Summer Academy in Venice, the Art Print Residence near Barcelona and the Ceramic studio Atelier Süd in Finikounda, Greece. Her work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, for example solo:

* Born in Chur, works and lifes in Domat/Ems, Switzerland. She completed the art class at the Kunstschule Wetzikon Art for 5 years and enjoys traveling abroad for artistic studies. Among other things, she attended the International Summer Academy in Salzburg for five summers, was at the International Summer Academy in Venice, the Art Print Residence near Barcelona and the Ceramic studio Atelier Süd in Finikounda, Greece. Her work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, for example solo: in the Galaria Frav