- Association des Guides de l'Yonne en Bourgogne - Guides interprètes accompagnateurs de groupes, en Bourgogne, dans l'Yonne

Description: Guides interprètes accompagnateurs de groupes, en Bourgogne, dans l'Yonne, Vézelay, Fontenay, Dijon, Beaune qui travaillent avec les offices de tourisme de l'Yonne. L'histoire, l'architecture, l'économie, la géographie sont abordées.

guide (5339) groupe (794) visite (468) yonne (180) groupes (146) visites guidées (46) conférenciers (13) guide-conférenciers (1)

Example domain paragraphs

   F or 20 years, AGY (Guides Association of the Yonne district in Burgundy) has been offering the services of professional guides for guided tours on touristic sites, villages everywhere in Burgundy in French, English, German or Dutch.

Our guides will show you famous places of interest such as: -Vézelay basilica, Fontenay abbey (UNESCO World Heritage Sites) -as well as picturesque towns and villages: Auxerre, Avallon, Beaune, Dijon, Vézelay, Semur-en-Auxois, Saint-Bris-le-Vineux, Montréal, Noyers-sur-Serein -or Chablis and the Yonne Valley of vineyards, From vines to cellars.

Because in summer we take more time, follow the guide (speaker and informed). Make a stop in the past, enjoy yesterday and admire today thanks to him! We, guides, share the point of view of Colette, born in Yonne in 1873, when she writes: The time of the end of the discoveries never rings

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