Description: Explore Tax Allocation Districts (TADs) in Gwinnett County for economic development, job creation, blight elimination, and public benefit financing.
tax allocation districts (tads) economic development redevelopme (3)
Tax Allocation Districts are used nationwide as an economic development incentive to attract quality development to an underutilized or distressed redevelopment area. Gwinnett County may consider the use of TAD financing to support certain projects that provide a substantial public benefit. TAD projects help to create new jobs and/or retain existing employment, eliminate blight, reduce crime, strengthen the employment and economic base, increase property values and tax revenues, decrease poverty, create eco
TAD financing will generally be reserved for projects that do not qualify for alternative methods of financing, or where TAD assistance is deemed by the County to be the preferred method of economic development incentive. Each TAD project must demonstrate that “but for” the use of TAD financing, the project would not be economically feasible and would not be completed without the proposed TAD increment.
Applicants must clearly document all approved TAD expenses. TAD cost estimates and fees will be reviewed by the County and professional consultants to ensure their reasonableness. The County will not consider funding requests for "Retroactive TADs," which provide financial support for projects after land disturbance or construction has commenced. TAD financing for major infrastructure improvements that will enable substantial future redevelopment to occur will be viewed more favorably than projects that pro