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Description: 博菜网站大全是300多年前由圣.约瑟夫——一群勇敢的、虔诚的、进步的变革者.博菜网站大全致力于提供严谨的教育,由一个欢迎所有人的社区激发.无论信教与否,我们都在理解和操纵这个更大的世界的旅程上.博菜网站大全相信教育本身不是目的,而是一条发现我们每个人都能为这个世界做出贡献的道路,博菜网站大全的邻居,彼此之间.发现你的目标.

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榆树大学 was founded in 1928 by the Sisters of St. 约瑟夫. The college serves as a living legacy of their bold idea, conceived more than 3 centuries ago, to act as progressive changemakers, dedicated to serving the community and all those in it. 榆树大学 is devoted to the core principles of providing a rigorous and quality education, 服务社会, and creating a campus where all are welcome, regardless of faith and prepares you to journey out into the world to leave your mark on it. 发现你的人生目标! 开放大学宣传册

Location: St. 约瑟夫 Chapel, which is located on the third floor of Berchmans Hall.

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