Description: H-COLOR s.r.o. manufacturer (producer) industrial coatings and industrial paintings. Industrial Coatings serves a wide range of industries. H-COLOR produce single and two components paint.
industrial (7119) manufacturer (4497) world (4473) manufacturing (3746) paint (3298) industry (3211) coatings (837) colors (522) component (392)
Single-component acrylic paint H-ACRYL Single-component alkyd paint H-COLORKA PRIM Single-component alkyd enamel H-COLORKA ENAMEL Single-component alkyd single-layer coating H-COLORKA Two-component polyurethane paint H-PUR PRIM Two-component polyurethane enamel H-PUR ENAMEL Two-component polyurethane single-layer paint H-PUR SINGLE-LAYER COATING Two-component polyurethane finishing paint H-PUR VARNISH Single-component penetration paint H-DUR P Single-component epoxyester paint H-ZINKDUR Alkydurethane semi-m