Description: Insiders guide to Habanos Cuban Cigar, all the latest product launch information, reviews, prices and tasting from worldwide cigar aficionados
cuban cigars (101) habanos (43) montecristo (43) cohiba cigars (10) cigars for sale (7) cuban cigar brands (4) cigar sales (4) romeo y julietta (4) ramone allones (4) habanos asia (2)
Changes to the inbound duty free allowance in 2014 mean travellers to Asia can import only a single Habanos Asia Cigar. For lovers of real Cuban Cigars, Luckily, there are plenty of places to buy Habanos Asia Cigars in Hong Kong, although because of rules about smoking in public places far fewer where you can smoke them.
The official importer of Habanos to Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific is The Pacific Habanos Cigar Company, which as well as supplying many outlets in Hong Kong and Asia has 11 Habanos Cigar shops, several of which have “tasting” lounges where you can enjoy your Habanos Cigar and meet like-minded travellers or locals. In addition, Davidoff has several outlets, some of which also have tasting lounges.
Note that the “tasting” description comes because it was argued that it was unreasonable to expect smokers to buy expensive Habanos Cigars without being able to sample them first. These lounges are not bars in a conventional sense for that reason. You cannot smoke Habanos Cigarettes and can only smoke Habanos Cigars which have been bought from the shop. In addition, while some of them allow drinking, generally this is because there is an adjoining bar, or because they are located in hotels which have a sepa