habit-change.eu - HABIT-CHANGE

Description: Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung e. V.


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The project "Adaptive Management of Climate-induced Changes of Habitat Diversity in Protected Areas" (HABIT-CHANGE) was implemented within the INTERREG IV B CENTRAL EUROPE programme during 2010-2013. The acronym of the project not only stands for the expected habitat changes caused by climate change but also for the necessary adaptation of our own habits in close connection to this.

This website is no longer being updated due to the project being over. Project results can be found in the  results section . A press kit can still be found  here .

HABIT-CHANGE's investigation regions covered protected areas from all over Central and Eastern Europe focussing on wetlands, forests, grasslands, and alpine areas. The habitat types of these regions and their composition are especially vulnerable regarding climate change.

Links to habit-change.eu (1)