hager-engineering.com - High performance catalysts - Hydrogen Peroxide Catalysts - Ozone catalytical decomposition - Ozone Catalysts - Hager Verfahrenst

Description: Hager Engineering is a company in the field of the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in air flows.

verfahrenstechnik (163) katalysatoren (30) h2o2 (15) wasserstoffperoxid (13) hochleistungskatalysatoren (3) ozonkatalysator (3) ozon-katalysator (3) hydrogenperoxid-katalysator (3) hydrogenperoxidkatalysator (3) wasserstoffperoxidkatalysatoren (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Catalysts and Units for Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Catalysts in Air Flows (Residual Content: < 0,1 ppm)

Catalysts and Units for Decomposition of Ozone in Air Flows (Residual Content: < 30 ppb)

Catalysts and Units for Cold Oxidation of Hydrocarbons for Deodorization

Links to hager-engineering.com (2)