Description: Hailsham Friends Holidays Club is for people who are on their own and would like to socialize with other people. We are based in Hailsham and serve the surrounding area.
club (12306) social (8389) friends (2086) social club (182) carers (181) hailsham (46) friends club (6) hailsham friends club (3) rest bite (3) lonelyjust friends (1)
We provide an environment for people who live on their own or are carers to meet up and find new friends and activities. We are non-profit making organisation but this does not stop our members organising lunches, day trips, coffee mornings and even group holidays.
Pick up a FREE copy of all our events at any Social Gathering.
You will see lunches, day trips, coffee mornings, local walks, holidays and every thing else the members have arranged.