halle-ist-schoen.de - Halle (Saale)

Description: This page presents the German city Halle. The page contains many nice images with descriptions and many additional information about the city and life in Halle.

germany (4228) sachsen (2978) halle (1043) saale (235) halle/saale (168) anhalt (85) saxony (36) h�ndel (1)

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The city has a history of 1200 years (since 806). You can find quarters with 150 years old buildings. There are many impressive churches and 2 very romantic castles. You can also find one of the oldest German universities with more than 500 years of scientific tradition in Halle.

One very famous child of the city can be seen on the left: It is Georg Friedrich Händel, one of the greatest German Baroque music composers. He wrote the Messiah oratorio, which contains the well known "Hallelujah" chorus. In Halle you can visit his birth place, the church where he learnt to play the organ and the Händel festival, a big classical music festival with several thousand visitors each year.

It is the aim of this page to show you the cultural and architectural richness of Halle as well as the life going on here. If you want to know more about this page check out the "About" section and the "Legal notices" . There is also a guestbook available. I have created a small link collection , so that you can find additional information about the city easily. More information about the maps and links to Google Earth can be found here .

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