hallwayhealthcare.com - Home Nursing Care in California | Hallway Healthcare

Description: Hallway Healthcare provides in-home nursing care to retired Nuclear and Federal Workers through EEOICPA or FECA administered by Department of Labor.

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Providing in-home nursing care to retired Nuclear and Federal Workers that have received benefits through EEOICPA or FECA administered by Department of Labor.

Hallway Healthcare provides in-home nursing care to retired Nuclear and Federal Workers that have received benefits through EEOICPA or FECA. These are the workers who have retired from Department of Energy facilities such Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Sandia National Lab Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Stanford Linear, etc. We also serve Federal Workers such as US Postal Workers.

In addition, we are advocates that provide resources and information regarding filing of claims/claims process/consequential diagnosis, unpaid medical bills, compensation of impairment, and understanding terminology of the program. All services are no cost to our claimants.