hamjam.info - HamJam – It's all about youth!!

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SouthEastern DX Club, Alford Memorial Radio Club, Atlanta Radio Club, Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club, Cherokee Amateur Radio Society,  Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society, North Georgia QRP Club, Sawnee Amateur Radio Association, Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club, Silver Comet Amateur Radio Society

FlexRadio - ICOM - Elecraft - Kenwood - DX Engineering - Geochron - Yaesu - StepIRR - Ham Radio Deluxe - ARRL BuddiPole - Begali - Vibroplex - The Daily DX - The DX Magazine - MFJ - Diamond Antenna - LNR Precision - CQ Magazine - Ham Radio Outlet - N3FJP - Easy Way Ham Books

NFARL and our sponsors are pleased to present an event to raise funds that will be used to encourage youth to get involved in amateur radio and its related STEM technologies.

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