Description: Hanan Salam is an AI expert, professor, researcher and entrepreneur. Hanan is the co-founder of Women in AI and the head of education and research.
ai (10583) data science (1698) salam (29) sorbonne (28) ai consultant (11) hanan (5) supelec (5) hanan salam (1) esilv (1) centraleseupelec (1)
I am a curious, passionate, ambitious researcher, professor and entrepreneur. My interests/passion include Artificial Intelligence, robotics, affective and cognitive computing, Human-Computer Interaction, psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and education. I believe in the power of education and how it can change the world. I have co-founded Women in AI , an international organization whose mission is to increase female representation and participation in the field of AI . I am leading the education and res
Emlyon , Lyon
École supérieure d'ingénieurs Léonard-de-Vinci (ESILV) , Paris