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Career Development And Communication Strategies

There’s a strong likelihood that among your circle of friends and acquaintances you know a few creative people. Certainly, most of us do. One’s ability to create, to make something that didn’t exist before, is a gift. Some, if they are lucky, and/or good marketers, use this gift for monetary gain, while others create merely for the sake of creating, improving their skills in their chosen craft, opening their minds and spirit, and as a means of self-expression. Both are important and intrinsic to the human e

Drawings in the sand and on cave walls were the origins of story-telling. Those who dwelled in those caves used basic pictograms to illustrate their experiences and ideas. Regardless of where they lived, evidence of this type of communication has been unearthed all over the planet, on the walls of caves and in tombs that were inhabited by early humankind. Was that basic form of communication art?