hannamoss.com - hannamoss.com

Description: Homepage of the Moss family,with information on childhood cancer neuroblastoma OMS MOMS club momsclub. And much more.

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Hello my name is Hanna I am 4 years old. I am so happy you came to play with me. I am busy, always. I love to play with my doll house and watch Scooby-Doo. I like my bean bag and sit in it to watch my movies. I like playing computer games and surfing the internet. I also like playing with my sisters and brother. I really like playing with them when they have their friends over.  Mom can tell you more about me.

Hanna was born on September 22, 2000, she has been a challenging baby since her birth. Being a winter baby and having three older siblings toke a toll on her health. At 10 weeks of age she was hospitalized with viral meningitis and before she was a year she suffered with bronchitis and the flu. But through it all she has remained a happy smiling baby. She is also a dare devil and has fallen on her head several times for which she just had a c-scan which shows her head is normal. Though it all she is still g

Once she started walking at 14 months (late in comparison to my other kids) she was the boss of the family. She never had a difficult time prior to walking as she just went everywhere walking on her knees. But once she was up, then she realized there was a whole lot more to get into and boy that is what she did. She is a climber, clothes taker offer, mess maker and all around terror! She is real sweet and gives big kola bear hugs and will part with a kiss every now and then. She is very attached to mommy an

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