hannasmagiclight.com - Hanna's Magic Light

Description: Hannas Magic Light by Edward Castro. A children's book on spritual development for children.

illustrator (5615) child development (321) childrens book (184) spiritualism (82) hannas (4) magic light (2) spiritual development for children (1) edward castro (1) gary norris (1)

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Hello. Thank you for stopping here. My name is Edward L. Castro. It is my intention to assist in the spiritual evolution of children. I agree that children must surely learn their ABC's, 123's, primary colors, and such, as these are some of the fundamentals that each of them must learn to grow productively in any society. But I also feel that they can be reminded of the deeper principles of Life, itself; profound universal truths to their own existence. Too deep for a 4 - 10 year old, you may say? I say, le

Edward lives in Humble, Texas where he shares joint custody of his daughter, Hanna. He has mainly made his career in the Maintenance Engineering Industry. He is known to resign from that field every few years to go off and experience other adventures. Edward has been a private investigator. He has worked on a floating processor in the middle of the Bering Sea, pitching crab. He has been a swimming instructor teaching children to become drown-proof. He has hiked and meditated on mountains in Hawaii, he also