harctoolbox.org - Welcome to the HARCToolbox project!

open source (4644) home automation (1056) remote control (380) remotes (45) infrared protocols (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Since 2006 I have been writing software, designed file formats, and classified remote control signals, revolving around infrared remote control and home automation. The old "main project" (old harctoolbox) is the original project. It deals with descriptions of IR protocols and signals, device descriptions, and descriptions of their interconnection.

In early 2011 I came to the conclusion, that my work on IR protocols was a dead end street. It was better to connect to and use the Internet knowledge, notable the so-called IRP notation, that was excellently formalized by Graham Dixon in early 2010. This started the IrpMaster project, in which the IRP notation was completely implemented (with one exception , which is rather a specification flaw than an omission of practical importance).

For IrpMaster, the goal was correctness and completeness, without any compromises for user friendliness. In particular, it does not contain a graphical user interface. Its command line interface appears as inaccessible to the GUI-centered user. Instead, the project IrMaster was started, to allow a user friendly, interactive access to the functionality of IrpMaster. As a graphical "meta program", it also fulfills some other tasks, see its documentation.

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