haripo.net - 郡山市のハリポ鍼灸室 鍼灸不妊治療に取り組んでいます

Description: 鍼灸不妊治療をすすめる福島県郡山市のハリポ鍼灸室

評判 (4723) 整体 (4293) 鍼灸 (1715) 不妊治療 (419) 治療院 (221) иi‹„ (13) •s”dћў—г (6) •]”»

Example domain paragraphs

当院は、鍼灸治療と手技による筋肉関節アプローチなどを適切に併用して、さまざまな身体的な問題の改善を 目指します。

Haripo is a clinic for acupuncture, moxibustion, and manual corrective treatment(Japanese osteopathy). One-on-one treatment is provided by means of those combinations.

The treatment at haripo is based on traditional Oriental medicine. By acupuncture and moxibustion treatment vital energy balance, which is called 'qi' is coordinated. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is distinctly effective in relieving pains in joints and muscle. In addition, various effects such as improvement of visceral condition are expected.